Amazon EventBridge Scheduler and DST Support
Mastodon try out
The Challenges with Blogging
Apple AirPod Pros Experiences
AWS re:Invent
AWS Cloud Trail and rate limiting
AWS SSM Parameter Store and Rate Limiting
Using CloudFormation to Configure AWS S3 Bucket Replication
Tip on uniquely naming your AWS S3 buckets
Is an AWS Cloud9 and PixelBook combination a good idea?
Which to use for private repositories, GitHub or AWS CodeCommit?
Amazon DeepLens for objective driving evaluations
Going to AWS re:Invent? Bring your noise cancelling headphones.
Mevo Plus Camera Review
Using the AWS Config Service (with an eye on cost)
Eldercare and the Amazon Echo Show and Spot for Video Calls
AWS re:Invent 2017 review
AWS - Save Some Money
AWS Perms and Tools
Do you run run open source utilities/containers without controlling what they can do?
Do you check your AWS regions when looking around?
Technology and Eldercare
Back to Jekyll from Octopress
Thoughts on data access and monitoring
AWS SSM and the parameter store
DJI Mavic Pro Drone Goggles
AWS Config and Lessons Learned
GitPitch for Presentations
Docker for Tools
Apple AirPods Update
Apple iCloud Photos Experience
OpenShift and build error New (InvalidOutputReference)
Apple AirPods Review
Docker For Everyone Presentation
Mevo Camera Update Failed
Streaming is the future of entertainment
Review Mevo Livestreaming Camera
Bose QC-35 Bluetooth Headset Review
Tesla Fatality and Autonomous Vehicles
Book Review: The Reapers Are The Angels: A Novel
Amazon Echo and Engaging Your Audience
AWS IoT Buttons
Telepresence and elder care?
Engineers And Coffee Podcast
Vendor lock-in and cloud providers
Amazon Echo and Commercial Integrations
AWS IoT and the MQTT.fx Client Updated
Jekyll Experiences Update
More on Augmented and Virtual Reality
AWS Certificate Manager tidbits
Driverless Cars and Google vs Big Auto
The Risk of Cyberattack and Motivations
Being Prepared for Commercial Usage of Drones
Magento ecommerce platform in the AWS Marketplace
Slack Over Email
2001 and Dialogue
Childhood's End
ABC News VR segment Inside North Korea VR
Effective Logging For Consumption
Little Snitch Review
Proliferation of New Programming Languages
VR Content and Commerce
Lytro Ray Capture for VR
Staying current in technology
Drones and airspace intrusions
Aviation, 1956 and See And Avoid
AWS IoT and the MQTT.fx Client
Opacity Zero Podcast and MH370
Virtual Reality News
Restaurant Kiosks and Jobs
Splunk, AWS and Mobile Access
Splunk Quick and Easy Using AWS
Kindle Voyage Review
Netflix - We are a team, not a family
VR White Room Film
United Airlines Flight Cancellation Saga
Thought About Your Personal Backups Lately?
The Google Car and AF447
Junk Mail Processing and Classification Project
GoPro Hero4 Session review
AWS Lambda and Static Site Authentication
Virtual Reality Film Making and Sound
Cloud Computing and VR Film Making
Standing Desk Update
Amazon Echo Alexa Integration
School funding cutbacks and music programs
Learning film making by watching bloopers
Static Website Photo Gallery Generator
Test plans/code should not be written by the developer
JBoss Infinispan metrics exploration using Docker
Trying out Gitbook for a short story
Eclipse, Goclipse and the no gocode path provided error
ForeFlight Mobile 7
DC Film Fest
Amazon Machine Learning and Weather Data
Keep Your Work Area (and Cockpit) Clean
R for Data Analysis
Yosemite and Broken Brew
Russia's Last Early Warning Satellite (ArmsControlWonk podcast)
Pair Programming in the Cockpit
From Triad to Monad? The decline of the USAF strategic nuclear force and unusual management situations
Using Docker for quick actions
Using Docker to try out the Infinispan ReST interface
Virtual Reality and Film Making
Using to look at congressional voting data
Single pilot commercial cockpit?
Augmented Reality and SpaceGlasses
Lenticular image script
Tessel And Wifi Update (and Keen.IO)
Virtual Reality (on the cheap) and Google Cardboard
Tessel fun and woes
Tessel and NodeJS for Fun
JBoss Fuse Service Works and HornetQ messagingjournal output
Chromecast and wifi settings
AWS Config Service
BPM vs non-BPM orchestration
Zombie Containment Doors for Halloween
Fuse Service Works and HornetQ Configuration for JMS BLOCK/PAGE/DROP
My new Yubico FIDO U2F Security Key
Film making details
Standing desk experiences update
LiveScribe Sky and Evernote
iOS8 and OSX Yosemite Observations
NextDesk Terra Standing Desk Opinions
Sharing economy
AWS CloudSearch and political ads
AngularJS static site propane calculator tool
X-47B Autonomous USN Tactical Aircraft
Frontline - Generation Like
Roost laptop stand
OS X Yosemite issue with ScanSnap Manager
OS X Yosemite issue with JBDS (Eclipse)
OS X Yosemite
AWS and Logs for CloudWatch
Augmented reality and your commute
Drone interdiction
Quick static site photo gallery
AWS images/backups and lessons (re-)learned
OpenSSL bug and be careful with updating sshd on the EC2
Drones are not a toy
Transcoding in the AWS
First little Cinemagraph
How Are Drones and Linux Alike?
Cinemagraphs or Living Photographs
The Computer in the Cloud is Somebody Else's Problem or AWS CloudTrail and What Happened?
Tiny Tiny RSS
Media for long term storage and the evolution of technology
Amazon AWS Reserved Instances for a little more savings
AWS Best Practices (and lessons learned)
Amazon AWS Billing and Usage Information Improvements
Streaming Entertainment vs Broadcast TV
Checklists, aviation, technology and life
Packer and Mac OSX note
Family photo scanning using the Fujutsu S1500M and ScanSnap software
Followup on Nest thermostat experiences
don't test in production
no joy (with including a twitter stream in the aside box)
Octopress and twitter (aside)
Live vs recorded demos
Node.js and StrongLoop
S3 image storage tidbit
OpenShift, oo-install and the AWS
iOS 7 and cellular data settings
Ansible And The Aws
a little more static site generation learning
still working with fixing this Octopress blog
using another computer with octopress
AWS EC2 /etc/sudoers lesson learned
AWS Console app review
Podcast review: FoodFight
Ruby rant
Zabbix, OpenShift and Ansible
OpenShift, Mac OSX, IPv4 vs IPv6 and lessons learned
A little yoga with my rowing and surprised at my heart rate
MEAN (Mongo,Express,AngularJS,NodeJS), AWS/EC2, Ansible and OpenShift
NodeJS, Mongo and Mongoose collection pluralization
The value of another set of eyes during rapid software development
Using node to learn node
NodeJS, Express, MongoDB and the AWS EC2 and S3
iOS-7 Experience
Review - Chromecast experience followup
Github commit stats
Review of the the Automatic Link vehicle OBD device - followup
LeapMotion and Javascript example - swipe gesture detection
Review of the the Automatic Link vehicle OBD device
Review of the Mac Dash app
OpenShift Enterprise running in VirtualBox Instances of RedHat Linux - part 1
ChromeCast experiences
Multiple instances of Eclipse
Delivering code
A little LeapMotion experimenting
Using the JBoss Data Grid (Infinispan) cli to show your objects in cache
LeapMotion - should be fun
iOS monitoring app - System Status
HTML5, PBS Frontline and interactive storytelling
Blue tooth heart rate monitor review
The danger of a deviation in the routine resulting in a catastrophe
Git-Fu (gitminutes podcast)
Would you let device cameras observe your reaction to how you are using them?
Comfort level with a UAS (drone) flying in your area?
iPaaS Coolness
The ForeFlight aviation iOS app and injecting external position data
A little more R (data analysis)
SoapUI and how did we ever write software before the Internet and Google?
The risk of "easy access to capital and a combination of wishful thinking and speculative behavior"
Drones and news events
R (statistical analysis) and image support
R and "The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design"
Most innovative companies
Node.js, rapidly evolving technology and security
Gmail search tidbit (and emailing files to yourself for safekeeping)
Disconnect without thinking and loss of data
Rules engines vs traditional programming
Git-in it on
Book review: NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence
Everything I need to know about leadership I learned from how the movie "Aliens" was made?
Observations on the Apple Aperture photo app for Mac
iOS 6 and camera direction metadata
Photo library observations
Trying to match your competition or trying to find a new set of customers?
Policing the cloud (for continued savings)
Time Machine, Time Capsule and backups
New 15 inch Retina MacBook Pro review
ftp from OSX and the Transmit app
Book review: Epiphanized: Integrating Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma
A Brookstone Rover 2 and a little packet sniffing
iOS app airendipity
Using the AWS for my notes database
AWS re:Invent Conference this week
AWS re:Invent 2012
More Node and a little Python
Making a movie of an iPad/iPhone screen
More Node.js and a little screen scraping
Node.js presentation at NOVALUG
iOS Passbook app and location awareness
Node.js as a test fixture
Some Node.js on the AWS via GitHub
Xcode build error "File is universal (3 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv7s slice"
iMessage and OS X dictation
Apache Camel and JBoss Drools webinar
Amazon re:Invent conference
Use CouchDB for a quick db that you can use on an iOS device and server
Tip on managing pictures on your iPhone
Second Nest Installation
Nest thermostat app data
Another example of Apple's approach to detail and ease of use (extending my Time Capsule wifi network)
Review of my Nest thermostat installation
Unexpected side benefit of having an external Bluetooth speaker (louder volume)
Using iTunes Smart Playlists for your recent podcasts
eBooks (via the Kindle and iBooks) have significantly increased my reading and buying habits
Another future with augmented reality?
Apple iBooks and iTunes U will become the framework for facilitating education in the future
"Senior" people in technology fields/roles and assumptions about them
General aviation technology (iPad, GPS)
Podcasts and mobile device quick view
New puppy (and bundle of energy)
Technology familiarity and "the cloud" (lesson learned)
Maybe making augmented reality a little more natural?
Connecting your AppleTV directly to a VGA projector (for iPad presentations)
Git and developer personalities
MoDevUX Hackathon!
Rapidly evolving software technologies and samples/tutorials
iOS Development at the BigNerdRanch
Apple and education
Lessons in dealing with the loss of situational awareness due to technology while flying
Using the iCloud for MS Word files
Travel technology on the train
New XGPS150 for flying with my iPad and ForeFlight
Using your iPad for situational awareness as a pilot
Apple AirPlay and iPad based presentations/demonstrations
My iCloud observations
Developing products as appliances (rather than computers)
Personal technology and travel
Technology at 35,000 feet over the north Atlantic
Re-learning old lessons and falling behind the airplane
Do you invest in saving money or innovation?
Excellent instrument training flights lately
Instrument flight in actual IMC adventure
Digital magazines and forgetting to download them
Updates on flying
Back seat flyer
Update on my new MacBook Air experiences
New MacBook Air!
Flying in the heat and sun
Wordpress iPad swipe plug-in
iPhone photography
Cool VFR flight experience
QR Codes and "Make Your Own Rules" by Wayne Rogers
iPad-2, AppleTV and AirPlay working very well
iPad 2 review
More QR code options and the MS HCCB code?
Deceptive sensation of increased speed while flying and hi-quality instructors
Fly all the way to the end of the flight
Another instrument lesson and another few lessons
More instrument training, a new experience (as usual) and currency vs proficiency
The technology of drones applied to news reporting
Magazines with poor or no tablet/online only editions
iPad a job killer?
Software development using Illumination Software Creator 3.1
The state of mobile device app testing? (and an opportunity?)
Keynote and presentations using the iPad
A little more time with Android (and a little more appreciation)
Innovation and efficiency
A little Android development experience (to compare with iOS)
Google TV iPhone app and my Logitech Revue
An update on G1000 and instrument training and the iPad as an EFB
G1000, synthetic vision and cognitive overload
SheevaPlug working again (after replacing the power supply)
Good overview on some of the unrealistic expectations people have about the NoSQL world.
Trying a wireless keyboard with my iPad
spam handling on my blog helped by using Akismet
Apple Time Capsule Guest Network Performance
iPad kneeboard on left knee affects flying with left hand
EFBs and browsing printed books?
The web is dead, long live the app
Started up some running again
Doing some G1000 precision approaches tonight (in the sim)
Trying out BlogPress on my iPad
More G1000 IMC approach practice
RedBird FMX Sim VOR-A into KMRB last night (with my homemade iPad kneeboard)
Mobile device apps and notifications (at poorly selected times)
EFB (Electronic Flight Bags) and preparedness when flying
Kindle affecting my reading habits
Apple TV and Netflix degradation since last sw update
Apple TV streaming review - poor experience
The iPad is the perfect device
Spaceflight and "Alien"
Hello world!
Robotics in space (vs keeping people alive)
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