EFB (Electronic Flight Bags) and preparedness when flying
I had a recent simulator lesson (RedBird FMX sim) for an instrument flight in a G1000 glass cockpit 172 configuration. I decided to exclusively use ForeFlight on my iPad and experienced a few interesting issues that I was not prepared for. Typically, I would have paper notes and approach procedure sheets in my kneeboard and could easily/quickly switch between them. Using the iPad as an EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) was very helpful in terms of aggregating a lot of information in a single location but I found that I was stumbling around a little while button pushing during different phases of the flight. I was flying the VOR/DME-A approach into KOKV in IMC (instrument weather conditions) and flew one missed approach. While doing the missed I found that I needed to refer to the plate more than I expected. Had I written the procedure in advance I think that I would have done a better job committing it to memory. Next time I will probably write it on paper and still use the iPad to see how that works.